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Is this your first time here?

Your line manager will have been provided with your login details. Once you have logged in for the first time, you will be prompted to set a new password for security purposes. New staff in RBC should start by completing the Induction e-learning.

Forgotten your username or password?
If you have forgotten your username and/or password, then click "forgotten your username or password" on the left. If this does not work, please contact

Universal Safeguarding Children

If you are a member of RBC or BFfC staff please login to complete the Universal Safeguarding Children. Unfortunately we are no longer able to offer access using this site to our partners in schools, health and the voluntary sector. An alternative e-Learning offer is being prepared but there will be a short delay in service whilst we complete setting this up. Please email<> and we will ensure you are the first to hear when we are up and running with the new e-Learning offer.